To access the Onport API, you'll need to generate your API token. This can be found under Integrations > Api in the setup area. The base URL for accessing the api is
You can create multiple API users. Once created, you'll need to click on the code icon to show the API token. This can then be set in the headers: Authorization: Bearer {token}
Rate limiting
We rate limit the API using a leaky bucket implementation. This allows for 2 GET
request or 1 non GET
) within a 1 second period. You can inspect the response headers for details on remaining capacity if needed. When the usage does exceed the capacity on the account, a 429 (Too Many Requests)
response code is returned.
We recommend using an outbound rate limiter in your code to handle the leaky bucket implementation. For example, in Node.js you could use the Bottleneck library (
import Bottleneck from 'bottleneck';import request from 'request-promise-native';// Allow up to 2 calls per secondconst limiter = new Bottleneck({maxConcurrent: 2,minTime: 1000,});// Throttle the requestsconst throttle = async (...params) => limiter.schedule(() => request(...params));// Resources to fetch, this is above the 2 allowed per secondconst resources = ['sales', 'purchases', 'dropship-providers'];const options = {method: 'GET',headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}`,},json: true,};const go = async () => {// Fetch all requests without errorsconst responses = await Promise.all( => throttle({uri: `${resource}.json`,...options,})),);/* eslint no-console: 0 */console.log(`Fetched ${responses.length} resources`, responses);};go();
You can do complex filtering if needed with the API requests. The filtering parameters should be included within a where
object in the GET parameters. As a basic example, if you wanted to filter based upon the ID of a parent item (e.g. to filter the list of purchases by the dropship provider ID):
{"where": {"dropshipProviderId": 1234,}}
You'll need to encode the above object into the URL parameters. For example, the above request would look like:
You can specify more complex filtering if needed. The current methods are detailed below. Adding multiple parameters act as an AND
query, in that all conditions in the where query must be met in order for the data to appear.
import request from 'request-promise-native';const go = async () => {const response = await request.get('', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}`,},json: true,qs: {where: {createdAt: {// $lte looks for values less or equal to the supplied value.// Works on dates and numerical fields.$lte: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z',// $gte looks for values greater than or equal to the supplied value.// Works on dates and numerical fields.$gte: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z',},// $in looks for values within an array. Works on most field types// For example, you can look within a set up ENUM values, strings etc.purchaseType: {$in: ['dropship', 'automated_dropship', 'adjusted_dropship'],},},},});/* eslint no-console: 0 */console.log('Fetched resource', response);};go();
Ordering and pagination
Data is limited to 50 items. However, some endpoints may by default increase or decrease this number. You can specify your own limit if need. You can also specify order and pages numbers if you need to sort and paginate the data.
import request from 'request-promise-native';const go = async () => {const response = await request.get('', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}`,},json: true,qs: {limit: 100,from: 2,order: {// Name of the attribute to order byattribute: 'dateOrdered',// If null values are possible, include those first (true) or last (false)nullsFirst: true,// Set false to order ascendingdescending: true,},},});/* eslint no-console: 0 */console.log('Fetched resource', response);};go();
Includes and attributes
We recommend only requesting the fields needed when pulling data from the API to reduce response times and decrease load. You can do this by specifying an attributes
For includes, an array of models to include can be specified in the includes
attribute. In this array you can filter to limit attributes within the included model.
import request from 'request-promise-native';const go = async () => {const response = await request.get('', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}`,},json: true,qs: {// Only return the dropship provider ID within the base modelattributes: ['id', 'dropshipProviderId'],// Include the associated purchase object, but only nclude the ID// attributeinclude: [{model: 'Purchase',attributes: ['id'],}],},});/* eslint no-console: 0 */console.log('Fetched resource', response);};go();
It's possible to perform aggregation queries against the API for counts, sums etc of items. Below is an example of an API request to count the number of purchases for a given dropshipProviderId
import request from 'request-promise-native';const go = async () => {const response = await request.get('', {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.TOKEN}`,},json: true,qs: {where: {dropshipProviderId: 123,},},});/* eslint no-console: 0 */console.log('Fetched resource', response);// { "count": 123 }}};go();